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Posted by mocapnyc


Explainer Video Title: The Northern Pass- Energy Bucket

Explainer Video Company: The Northern Pass

Explainer Video Script: ideaMachinestudio

Explainer Video Directions and Animation: ideaMachinestudio

Explainer Video Script Copy

The Northern Pass and the Energy Bucket.

The Northern Pass Transmission Project, will connect Hydro Electricity sources in Quebec to the New England Power Pool. The lines will carry up to 120 megawatts of energy, that's enough power for 1 million homes. The New England Power Pool is like a big bucket of energy, hundreds of power plants are connected to it. When hydro electricity is added into the bucket, it replaces some other energy sources. It's all based on cost. Since Hydro Electricity is quicker and cleaner, it will replace the other more expensive and dirties sources from that bucket. That save residences and businesses money, and it reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Everyone from New England gets their power from the bucket, including New Hampshire. So when you turn on a light anywhere in New England, you'll know that some of that energy, is from the Northern Pass.