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Earth Day Celebration!

Posted by Ben Capitano




Over the past few years, several companies interested in saving the environment have asked us to animate their big ideas. Just in time for Earth Day 2015, we're reviewing some of the projects that made a difference. 


Frontier Water Systems



Check out this video we made for Frontier Water Systems. Frontier is working to clean up our waters affected by harmful industrial pollutants.  





What can you do with used frying oil? Quite simply, you can change the world. 


The Northern Pass





We've done a few projects for The Northern Pass. Check out a few of their whiteboard animations above about how they are helping to preserve the environment in the Northeastern United States. 


Environmental Defense Fund 



Methane emissions can cause a lot of trouble for our environment. EDF Environmental Defense Fund is working with businesses and communities to prevent climate change. 


Do you have an idea for a project that could help the environment? Whiteboard Animations are perfect for communicating complex ideas in a way that is simple and fun! 


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