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The Untapped Potential of Facebook Video

Posted by Steve Day

Facebook-videoYou have a wide array of distribution channels to choose from for your video advertising efforts, and Facebook is certainly at the top of the list for content marketers. Still, there are probably a lot more options and features available on this social media platform than you’re actually using – there’s untapped potential that you may not even know about. Check out some ways you can get more out of your marketing investment by using Facebook for video.

Native Facebook ads receive higher engagement than other video links. Video ads distributed via Facebook actually have a higher rate of engagement when compared to YouTube videos linked into the social media platform. This could be a result of the fact that the content isn’t just a post: It’s also available in the gallery where a user can view the ad at their convenience.

The new Auto Play feature has already shown great promise. Since its launch in September 2014, the Facebook Auto Play function has been very well received. In a nutshell, the feature results in a video automatically playing when it appears within the visible range as a user is scrolling through the News Feed. The movement is better at capturing attention and encouraging interaction than those posts that require a user to click the button for the video to play.

Facebook video ads start great conversations. Video is better at storytelling, but it’s even more effective when distributed in a social media context. You present engaging content that includes movement and audio, thereby appealing to multiple senses. The auto play feature makes it easier to capture a user’s attention because the content is being delivered without any action on their part. Soon, viewers are interacting with your company and each other by posting comments and asking questions.

You can embed a “Like” button within a native Facebook ad. Internet users have become lazy, in a sense, probably because they’re bombarded with so many marketing messages that they’re not motivated to take action. However, Facebook enables you to insert a “Like” button within the video ad content itself, eliminating the task of finding the button somewhere below or around the post.

The analytics features give informative details about performance. You gain powerful insight into your video with Facebook analytics on performance. Sound, engagement, sharing, likes and other interaction are captured, which can help you fine-tune your existing videos. Plus, these measurements are useful as you’re creating and distributing new videos that better serve the needs of your target audience.

Tagging is enabled in native Facebook ads. Everyone likes a little attention once in a while, so the tagging feature allows you to shine the spotlight on them. It’s best to use tagging to recognize employees or talk about the achievements of others in your industry. Be careful in tagging others, such as followers or fans, however. You’ll need their consent and support to do so, or you risk a PR nightmare.

There is a lot of potential when using Facebook for video, more than you may be taking advantage of if you’re simply uploading videos from time to time. It’s time to dig deeper into the options available on this social media platform to reach more of your target audience and drive traffic to your website.

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