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Professional Whiteboard Video Ads Don't Have to Break the Bank - Here's Why

Posted by Steve Day

donthavetobreakbankWay back in 2008, online video advertising was a relatively small market with less than one billion dollars in spending. A lot has changed over the years as video advertising has grown to exceed $2.75 billion in 2015 according to Mashable. What’s the big deal with online video? Compared to television advertising the cost is substantially less. But online videos have proven themselves to be quite effective when used properly. And as the online viewing audience grows, the use of online video advertisements will follow.

Whiteboard videos are particularly useful as advertisements. There is literally a “blank page” to leverage virtually any form of creativity, and the use of whiteboard videos is particularly appealing to online audiences. Your marketing message can be delivered in just a few short minutes while adding a level of entertainment to the viewer.

When you combine the whiteboard concept with a professionally prepared advertisement, you can expect much better results in the number of viewers and the number of conversions for your online organization.

But many are concerned about the costs for an affordable, professional whiteboard video. There is an inherent risk for any type of advertisement, and, typically, online marketing budgets are pretty tight. Companies should understand the real benefits of professional quality whiteboard videos before turning away to cheaper and less effective options.

Consider the total cost versus benefits for an affordable, professional whiteboard video:

• New business, product or service launch expenses – every cost involved in your project should be considered an investment. A video advertisement should provide measurable return on investment. With implementation by experts, your whiteboard video can have in-depth tracking and reporting capabilities to determine its effectiveness and give you tangible performance metrics to calculate ROI.
• Your time and effort – by working with professionals you can shorten the amount of time it would take to design, build and deploy a whiteboard video. You can receive advice on best practices and have the ability to benchmark against other industries or similar businesses to understand what works and what doesn’t.
• First impressions – the first view of your video will make a lasting impression. Do not leave this to amateurs.
• Use and reuse – your video can be placed on your organization’s landing page and then reused in social media, emails or other areas as much as you like.

The affordable, professional whiteboard video will provide:

• A quality script – one that uses your marketing message in an entertaining and insightful way.
• Fluidity in transitions – clumsy transitions in videos reduces the effectiveness and can cause viewers to bounce to another site. A seamless, flowing transition keeps viewer attention.
• Images that make an impact – professionals can make sure the images that are used send a consistent message through visuals that capture attention and communicate effectively.
• Appropriately informative audio – the right voice and tone can do wonders for video. Also incorporate influential background music to keep the viewer’s audio senses stimulated.
• Well packaged – your professional video would be delivered completed and ready to use.

Don’t risk your marketing budget. Make the right investment in an affordable, professional whiteboard video service.

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