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Safe - Skills

Posted by Ben Capitano
Welcome to SAFE …the most innovative and comprehensive financial literacy and career development learning application designed by former student-athletes.
A college education is an invaluable experience, with benefits that exceed its monetary cost. But for scholarship student-athletes, the focus is too often on the business around them without a perspective of their place in it.
SAFE uses real, relevant financial information to create a learning environment tailored to each student-athlete's experience.
SAFE puts the knowledge of their economy in the hands of the student-athlete while developing positive habits that are fundamental to financial success.
SAFE creates a virtual banking and "bill pay" environment that uses the economy of a student-athlete's life as a tool to teach personal financial management.
With SAFE, the choices you make with your money matters.

Paying bills on time and making wise decisions about discretionary spending will result in a SAFE Score...

Which functions like a credit score, To keep track of financial health.
An athlete’s success never comes easy – it requires practice and attention to details.
No matter the sport or the way you prepare to achieve your goals, PREPARATION IS PERSONAL, LIKEWISE SAFE personalizes financial education - teaching fundamentals a little each month and based on your pace and goals. Just like how student athletes train for their sports.
The NCAA says that 99% of student-athletes “go pro” at something other than sports. SAFE provides aspirational mapping to help student-athletes find their passions beyond sports.
SAFE is your financial workout.