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Why Brands Should Invest in Great Explainer Videos

Posted by Steve Day

The explainer video is a great way to communicate your brand in an easily digestible format.


American Express posted an interesting guide on building your corporate brand. Businesses of all sizes and industries should be aware of their brand, what it means, and how to properly build a successful brand. One of the key points in the guide is being able to communicate your brand in an “easily digestible format”.

A great ‘easily digestible format’ is the explainer video. Just a few minutes of an explainer video can do wonders for your brand.

Some of the key attributes that describe why brands should invest in great explainer videos include:

Consistency – your explainer video can help send a consistent message in virtually every aspect of your business. The video can be used on your homepage of your website. Then the video can be shared on social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and others. Also, the video can be used internally for employee training or orientation. This consistent message can be quickly communicated whenever needed.
Simplicity – a video uses just a few minutes to send a clear message. With quality explainer videos, the message is well structured so that the script leads the viewer down a path to a call to action. The call to action could be to simply buy your products or services. Or the action might be to click to subscribe or learn more. You may even have a contest to enter.
Sustainability – what better way to go green than to place your marketing message online in a way that can be reused in many areas? Your explainer video can be used for email newsletters, presentations, trade shows and other areas as well as online to support your brand.
Tendency – explainer videos have a way of provoking action like no other marketing tool. Viewers tend to respond more positively in response to the marketing message. You can often see a boost in viewers along with higher quality leads and higher customer loyalty.
Validity – videos have proven themselves to be a viable marketing method. All types of industries now use explainer videos to help generate leads and build brand loyalty. Your brand needs a reliable method of spreading the word about your company, and explainer videos can provide the means to accomplish the task.
Thrifty – from a cost perspective, explainer videos are more reasonable than you may realize. When you consider the total return on investment for an explainer video including improvements in search engine rankings, social media boosts, increased web page visitors, leads generated and conversions the investment in an explainer video is easily justifiable.


Working with a skilled video services provider can help you to quickly put together a quality explainer video based on your specific needs and budget. Be sure to look for a partner that has the experience and skillset to help you build your brand through video at a reasonable cost. Your brand is the most valuable part of your business, and a quality explainer video can help you grow and nurture your brand.

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