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Why Quality Matters in Video Advertising: Choose a Telly Award Winning Production Studio

Posted by Steve Day
Telly_AwardAll of your content marketing assets are extensions of your company, so it’s important to make sure you’re sending the right message in terms of quality. This is especially true of video advertising, where production value can either be the key to driving traffic or the nail in your marketing coffin. Here are the top reasons quality is essential in video content and why your choice of a Telly Award winning production studio is critical.

A video ad that screams low-budget won’t earn you any credibility. You’ve likely seen a poorly done used car dealer commercial or two, so you know what low quality looks like. What’s more important is the message it conveys: You’re not willing to invest to establish a more professional image. This sends your credibility out the door, but it also lets your customers know they’re not worth the cost of higher quality.

Viewers won’t tolerate anything less than HD. People get annoyed and quickly click away from video content that’s not up to snuff, and standard definition won’t even keep them around for 10 seconds. Of course, video quality matters more for long-format content as opposed to shorter ads, but even a 1-2 minute piece of low-quality footage can be painful for viewers to watch. There’s also the issue of loading time and buffering, which become more resource-demanding when you release your video on HD without appropriate compression software.

High-quality video boosts your brand image… Viewers that see a great looking, professionally produced video unconsciously perceive your company and brand as more successful. They’re also likely to stick around for the length of the segment, so they’re hearing the entirely of your message.

… And low quality destroys brand image. Low-quality content has an impact on your image as well. A poorly done video ad turns viewers off and negatively impacts your brand.

A great production studio makes all the difference.
  • Video quality: Unless you have access to the right equipment, your video ad will never reach the premium quality levels that professionally produced content does. You can’t just rely on your cell phone camera to shoot high definition footage; you must invest in pricey cameras and editing software. Plus, you need compression software to make sure your video loads properly since your viewers don’t have the patience for slow loading content.
  • Expertise in production procedures: Not only do studios do have all the gear mentioned above; they actually know how to use it. You’d be surprised what’s involved with mastering the technology behind the production process, long after the camera stops rolling.
  • Engaging storytelling: There’s no doubt you have a compelling story to tell through your video ad, but sometimes your vision doesn’t translate well to the final product. A studio team does know how to present information in the best way to elicit an emotional response, which is exactly the goal of video ads.

Excellence is important to video advertising, and your choice of a Telly Award winning production studio is the key to obtaining it. Once you know why quality is so essential, you’re in a better position to finding the right company to handle your video production needs. There are options available for every marketing budget, so select the best one you can afford.


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