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Whiteboard video animation and working with your team electronically is a natural fit. After all, whiteboard video animation is itself an electronically generated method of communication. What’s more, working with your whiteboard studio remotely builds in several covert advantages that can keep your project on-track and efficient. Let’s explore some of these so that you’re prepared if anyone on your team raises objections about not being able to work with a vendor in person. They might never have considered some of the following benefits.

Time Zones Don’t Matter
Business is unavoidably global. Even at the moment your head hits the pillow in New York City your colleagues at the branch office in Sydney are hard at work the very next day. Working electronically sidesteps the daunting task of having to arrange one single time when everyone will be able to communicate together. People can contribute what they can, when they can. Often, there isn’t even the need for a conference call. So, if you find a whiteboard video animation vendor in another part of the world for the right price, don’t hesitate. They’ll be animating while you’re asleep!

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Whiteboard animation companies are not all created equal. This is important to bear in mind as you begin your quest to find the right company to collaborate with. Even a quick search will reveal that there are dozens—if not hundreds—of companies that now make whiteboard animation videos, so how do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

Some considerations are quite easy. For instance, if you have a rigid budget or timeline that a whiteboard company can’t meet, then they’re obviously not for you. If you’re not limited by either money or time, though, there are other, additional criteria that you can use to make a smart decision.

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The best whiteboard videos start with a clear goal that serves as a guide for both the client team and the vendor. That’s why, even if you don’t yet have an idea of how the script will read or what the artwork will look like, it’s essential to know what your whiteboard video is meant to do.

The term Reverse Engineering refers to a process whereby a man-made device or object is analyzed and broken down into components to determine exactly how it was constructed. When the term was first coined, Reverse Engineering was exclusively meant to refer to the physical world, but over time it has also been used in other contexts, including software creation and even project management. Reverse engineering is a useful tool here because, ultimately, the best whiteboard videos meant to solve a problem, and defining that problem will be one of the keys to success.

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The whiteboard cartoon and how to “think” whiteboard; yes, this is certainly something you can leave entirely up to your vendor. After all, that’s why you’re working with them, right? Nevertheless, even though it’s great to leave things to the experts, it’s always useful for clients to understand how their vendor thinks and why they make the decisions they do. Understanding this can both help to facilitate conversation plus save valuable time during the initial stages of a project.

Have you ever seen a film that was based on a book you read? It can be a surreal experience because you’re exposed to the same material in two vastly different formats. Usually there are many differences between the book and the film. Some of the differences are small (unimportant deleted scenes, two peripheral characters rolled into one) but some are large (completely different time or geography, change of character motivation, exchanging a sad ending for a Hollywood-friendly happy ending).

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