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We sincerely hope, Dear Reader, that you’re not under the kind of pressure that the title of this blog implies.  However, if you are faced with a tight turnaround like we describe here, don’t panic!  Instead, make yourself a cup of the beverage of your choice, take a breath, and formulate a plan.  By adhering to the following steps, you’ll be able to deliver your whiteboard animation on deadline, wow your boss, and save the company—all within a timespan of 24 hours.  Impressive, right?

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Whiteboard animation for teachers and educators sounds like it should be a given.  After all, teachers and educators spend most of their days creating what are, basically, whiteboard animations without movement.  Adding music and voiceover seems like a natural progression.  So why isn’t whiteboard animation more common in pedagogy?

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Our free top software links are below. But first….. Elvis Presley.  The name alone makes your heart skip a beat, doesn’t it?

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We live in a DIY (Do it yourself) world.  Using nothing more than a humble laptop, people can write novels, edit feature films, and record music—all with an ease and flexibility that the creators of the past could never have imagined.  If you don’t believe me about any of this, just visit your nearest coffee shop to see the artists at work. ;-) 

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Some marketers are caught in the conundrum of trying to decide whether to embark on a video advertising campaign – or wondering why they’re already doing it. Put simply, if you’re not using video as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll be left behind. Here are nine reasons why.
1. Your customers are watching more video. The statistics prove that your target audience is

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Hi we’re Whiteboard Animation Studio artistic pioneers of whiteboard animation. Here are our Top Ten reasons why you should NOT choose Videoscribe and instead hire artists

10. You don’t have the time. Do you have the time to learn another program? How much time 

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How to make the best Whiteboard Video in seven steps.
1. Craft the Message
2. Decide the length
3. The Animation process

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Whiteboard drawing: Include the hand or not? It might seem like a silly question, but we know based on years of experience that clients struggle with this issue frequently, so let’s unpack things a bit and analyze the why, when and how of the matter.

In 1950 the Belgian filmmaker Paul Haesaerts created a remarkable film consisting of the brilliant Spanish artist Pablo Picasso painting on glass. Visite à Picasso (A Visit with Picasso) can be watched online for free, and it’s only twenty minutes long. If you haven’t seen it before, treat yourself—It’s delightful. It’s also all the evidence you’ll need to understand and acknowledge that there is something truly mesmerizing about witnessing the act of creation.

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Animated whiteboard videos are the antidote for clickbait because they satisfy. Clickbait, on the other hand, is just sizzle without steak, and that does a great deal more harm than good, especially from a marketing and public relations perspective.

Clickbait is an unmistakably modern problem, but it has a long and sordid history, dating all the way back to the “yellow journalism” craze of the late 1800’s, when hysterical, exaggerated headlines were a surefire way to capture attention and convince someone to shell out their hard-earned cash for a newspaper. You know that famous expression—the more things change the more they stay the same? We’re still coping with those dumb headlines, only now they’re delivered electronically:

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The best whiteboard animation videos that weren’t… it sounds a bit like the title of a children’s book, doesn’t it? To clarify, though, what I’m referring to here are moments from popular media that attempt to explain complex ideas in a simple way… with varying degrees of success. The following is just a short list, but it’s relevant because it reminds us why whiteboard videos are so useful in situations like these. In fact, another way to think of this list is Scenes That Would’ve Been Better With Whiteboard!

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Whiteboard animation video companies are actually communications companies. No matter how much they emphasize their abilities as animators, or the speed with which they produce, or even their skills with project management, they are ultimately in the business of communicating, whether it’s business plans, important news, or nuggets of education. Whiteboard animations are nothing if not versatile.

But even more than that, whiteboard animation video companies represent the latest important step in the ongoing human quest for ideal communication. Yes, I know that sounds lofty, but let me explain. I promise this will be worth it!

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Whiteboard video production always relies on a great script, but who should write it?

In a way, scriptwriting is like an alphabet-based version of a whiteboard video production; everything starts with a blank slate that must eventually be filled with something truly special to communicate, entertain, and leave an impression. Many people, though, find writing difficult and mysterious. If you’re one of those people, how should you approach the question of writing when it comes to your whiteboard video?

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B2B, the acronym for “business-to-business,” describing a transaction made between two businesses, as opposed to a transaction between a business and a consumer (B2C). Just one example of a B2B transaction would be a company buying payroll services from a specialist rather than setting up their own internal accounting department. B2B solutions are usually more cost-effective than having to rely on an in-house solution to every business need.

B2B is hidden in plain sight; it’s a massive part of our everyday lives, but few people stop to consider it. Nevertheless, B2B is a gigantic part of the economy. In 2014 alone, B2B accounted for approximately half of the Gross Domestic Product for the entire United States of America.

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The best whiteboard animation videos make use of great voiceovers. That fact shouldn’t come was a surprise; even if you didn’t already know the importance of a great voice your subconscious absolutely does. Documentation on this topic is abundant, but just for one example, a 2015 study determined that the quality of a speaker’s voice is twice as important as their message. Go ahead and read that again: the speaker’s voice is twice as important as the message.

If statistics don’t convince you, perhaps a recent viral sensation will—remember Ted Williams? Mr. Williams was a onetime radio announcer who encountered severe financial difficulties and ended up homeless on the streets of Columbus, Ohio. Ted didn’t have much, but he still had his voice, and one day he decided to make a panhandling sign advertising his gift. The gambit worked; after being discovered in 2011 by a local reporter, Ted was quickly inundated with offers for lucrative voiceover work. A great speaking voice took Ted from homeless to fame and fortune virtually overnight. The power of the voice is absolute.

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The best whiteboard animation companies will often rely on a special ingredient to make their videos successful: humor.

Comedy is serious business. Within a almost twenty-year span between 1998 and 2017, comedy was the second most frequently made kind of film worldwide; in other words, comedies were made more often than thrillers, horror, or even science fiction films. And remember that funny video you shared with your family and friends a few days ago? You’re not alone. Comedy is one of the four most popular categories of video content on YouTube. With just under 2 billion YouTube users watching every month, that’s a lot of comedy being consumed.

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White board animation services offer a variety of drawing styles because each project is unique. This guarantees that, no matter what the message or mood of your video is, there will be an animation style suited for it.

Since they first exploded in popularity circa 2005-2007, white board animations have been used in a variety of different contexts. Some white board animations are explainer videos that depict how to use a new software or service. Some white board animations are commercials meant to promote new entertainment or products. Finally, some white board animations are used as public service announcements to spread awareness around issues like underage drinking or bullying. As you can tell, these are all very different subjects; it would be ridiculous and inappropriate to use the exact same drawing style for all of them.

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Create whiteboard animation with a dedicated team; this piece of advice might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes people can overlook the importance of working with a great team and all of the experience and know-how they bring to the table.

It was popularized due to a bestselling 1995 book by Hillary Clinton, but the African proverb “It takes a village” has actually been in existence for centuries, and for good reason. The original proverb was used in regard to raising children, but it can also refer to any big task that requires a group of people, each playing their own distinct roles, to be realized.

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White board video is usually short; most clock in at around 60 to 90 seconds in duration. That timing might seem awfully quick, but it’s actually just about perfect for the attention span of most people nowadays. Are you ready for a short history lesson?

Human beings have always had short attention spans, and, according to some scientists, that’s exactly as it should be. The theory is that a short attention span is an evolutionary advantage that gives humans the ability to both focus on a complicated task (building a fire) and also continually check in with and assess their surroundings (“Is the sun going down?”, “Was that thunder?”, “Are there any signs of a predator nearby?”). In evolutionary terms, our short attention spans are likely a big part of why human beings are the most successful species to ever inhabit the earth. The short attention span was the secret weapon that allowed us to survive and thrive.

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Whiteboard explainer videos and selecting the right music track is a topic that we could spend hours on. If you’ve ever attended a sporting event, or seen a film, or even played a video game, you already know the importance of music. Music moves us in a way that words and even visuals cannot. There’s no simple answer as to why, but music can make us laugh, cry or experience fear almost effortlessly. Music really is magic.

Not all whiteboard explainer videos feature music, but those that do may have a slight edge in terms of keeping the audience’s attention and being memorable. The right music track will tie everything together and play a huge role in determining how the audience will feel about (and during!) your video, so it’s something you’ll want to give serious consideration to before production begins. What should you do, though, if you’re not a grammy-winning musician? What are the most effective ways for a layperson to think about music in terms of their whiteboard explainer video?

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Video whiteboard services offer you a great chance to go viral, and that’s a powerful idea. Please bear in mind, though, the key word here is “chance.” What makes a video go viral is far from an exact science; a multitude of different factors come into play, and many of them are beyond your control. For now, though, let’s consider some of the factors that actually are within your control, and take a look at why whiteboard videos are more likely to be a hit than other, more common types of video content.

Going viral is a hugely attractive proposition for companies because it means their brand becoming a genuine phenomenon; something that people enjoy and want to share. One of the best examples of the viral power of video whiteboard is The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or RSA. In 2010 the RSA began using it’s enormous library of lecture assets to create a series of video whiteboard called RSA Animates. By 2011 the RSA videos had captured 46 million views and RSA Animates had become the #1 nonprofit channel on YouTube. It’s clear that whiteboard videos have a superb chance of going viral, but what are the elements that can lead to a success story like the RSA?

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Whiteboard style animation and the art of the storyboard are inseparable. A great animation depends on many things, and a storyboard is an essential part of the process for any production, no matter how large or small.

Everyone knows who Jared Leto is because famous actors are household names. Quite a few people know who director Todd Phillips is because of the success of his films. Actors and directors are the members of a production who are most likely to have a public “face.” Meanwhile, though, every media production relies on a vast crew of individuals who tend to remain anonymous: gaffers, foley artists, caterers… all of the hundreds of names that appear in the credits at the end of a movie.

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Whiteboard videos and your production timeline don’t have to be mysterious. In fact, they synchronize in a very predictable way. The ideal timeline for a whiteboard video is exactly five weeks:

Week 1: Script review with producer
Week 2: Style frames delivered to client
Week 3: Producer delivers storyboard to client
Week 4: Animation in progress
Week 5: Final animation delivered

The above formula for our whiteboard videos has been perfected over several years; it allows just enough time to include experimentation, rendering and contingencies. It’s proven to be the perfect soup-to-nuts model for this particular industry.

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Whiteboard video animation and working with your team electronically is a natural fit. After all, whiteboard video animation is itself an electronically generated method of communication. What’s more, working with your whiteboard studio remotely builds in several covert advantages that can keep your project on-track and efficient. Let’s explore some of these so that you’re prepared if anyone on your team raises objections about not being able to work with a vendor in person. They might never have considered some of the following benefits.

Time Zones Don’t Matter
Business is unavoidably global. Even at the moment your head hits the pillow in New York City your colleagues at the branch office in Sydney are hard at work the very next day. Working electronically sidesteps the daunting task of having to arrange one single time when everyone will be able to communicate together. People can contribute what they can, when they can. Often, there isn’t even the need for a conference call. So, if you find a whiteboard video animation vendor in another part of the world for the right price, don’t hesitate. They’ll be animating while you’re asleep!

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Whiteboard animation companies are not all created equal. This is important to bear in mind as you begin your quest to find the right company to collaborate with. Even a quick search will reveal that there are dozens—if not hundreds—of companies that now make whiteboard animation videos, so how do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

Some considerations are quite easy. For instance, if you have a rigid budget or timeline that a whiteboard company can’t meet, then they’re obviously not for you. If you’re not limited by either money or time, though, there are other, additional criteria that you can use to make a smart decision.

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The best whiteboard videos start with a clear goal that serves as a guide for both the client team and the vendor. That’s why, even if you don’t yet have an idea of how the script will read or what the artwork will look like, it’s essential to know what your whiteboard video is meant to do.

The term Reverse Engineering refers to a process whereby a man-made device or object is analyzed and broken down into components to determine exactly how it was constructed. When the term was first coined, Reverse Engineering was exclusively meant to refer to the physical world, but over time it has also been used in other contexts, including software creation and even project management. Reverse engineering is a useful tool here because, ultimately, the best whiteboard videos meant to solve a problem, and defining that problem will be one of the keys to success.

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The whiteboard cartoon and how to “think” whiteboard; yes, this is certainly something you can leave entirely up to your vendor. After all, that’s why you’re working with them, right? Nevertheless, even though it’s great to leave things to the experts, it’s always useful for clients to understand how their vendor thinks and why they make the decisions they do. Understanding this can both help to facilitate conversation plus save valuable time during the initial stages of a project.

Have you ever seen a film that was based on a book you read? It can be a surreal experience because you’re exposed to the same material in two vastly different formats. Usually there are many differences between the book and the film. Some of the differences are small (unimportant deleted scenes, two peripheral characters rolled into one) but some are large (completely different time or geography, change of character motivation, exchanging a sad ending for a Hollywood-friendly happy ending).

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Whiteboard video marketing and how to stand out from the crowd is an important consideration these days. Whiteboard video marketing definitely the best bet when you’re looking to make an impression, but given that there are literally thousands of whiteboard videos all competing for eyeballs, what are some surefire ways to make sure that yours will get the attention it deserves?

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Whiteboard drawing video and it’s origins is a vast topic; far too vast, honestly, for a humble blog post.

Nevertheless, it’s fascinating to speculate on exactly how whiteboard drawing video developed, where it came from, and even where it may be headed. Considering these ideas can help you refine what your whiteboard drawing video is meant to do and how we can best assist you.

We already know that whiteboard video is essentially storytelling, and storytelling is as old as the human race itself. In prehistoric times, people would draw on the walls of caves to record their hunting expeditions or the size of their tribe. The cave drawings didn’t move, of course, but there’s clearly a connection between them and current-day whiteboard drawing video, especially when you consider the simplicity factor. On the one hand, cave drawings could be seen as a relatively primitive form of communication, but, then again, good communication is all about keeping thing as simple as possible. Ironically, the cavemen had it right all along!

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Whiteboard video companies are the ideal solution when another PowerPoint presentation just won’t do. PowerPoint still has a place, and more than likely it always will, but there are a number of reasons why it isn’t the go-to business communications solution that it once was.

Almost everyone, even if they’re not in the business world, knows what PowerPoint is and why it’s useful, but not too many people know the history of the software. PowerPoint was originally developed by two men—Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin—back in the 1980s at a startup called Forethought, Inc. PowerPoint was specifically designed to take advantage of the cutting-edge graphics capabilities of innovative new computers like the Apple Macintosh. The idea was to create a simple program that could be used by anyone to create high-quality presentation decks. If you’ve ever watched a Mad Men episode featuring Don Draper conducting a business pitch accompanied by a slideshow, that’s exactly what PowerPoint was meant to replace.

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“Whiteboard video is better than a talking head video.”

“Come on, the video for Burning Down the House was good!”

Okay, that was a silly joke. We’re obviously not discussing that kind of talking head video.

But, it’s a silly joke with a serious point—it’s difficult to make talking head videos interesting.

It’s not that the format itself is obsolete, talking head videos will always have a place. Despite their evergreen nature, though, the term “talking head” only seems to conjure up images of Sunday morning chat shows, or lengthy college seminars about the Neolithic Revolution; not the sort of material that most people get excited about, but they may for whiteboard video. Their reputation led to a 2005 piece entitled Talking Head Video Is Boring Online, published by no less than the Nielsen Norman Group, a highly respected consulting firm that measures user experience. Talking head videos are so notoriously boring that they even have their own spoof: the Zach Galifianakis-hosted talk show Between Two Ferns which actually relies on awkward boredom to create laughs.

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What to expect from your whiteboard animation company can actually be summed up with a single word: creativity.

Creativity is a word that conjures up images of works by the world’s great artists: Van Gogh, Picasso, Cézanne. Whether it’s paintings or sculpture or performance art, creativity is a term most typically associated with artistic expression; the ability to describe or depict the world in a new and unique way. You can expect your whiteboard animation company to provide creativity when it comes to the artistic considerations of your project, that’s a given. There are other aspects of creativity, though, that are equally worth considering in this context.

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When should you use white board videos? To answer that question, it’s important to understand the history of white board videos and their steady, unstoppable rise in popularity.

It’s virtually impossible to determine what the first-ever white board video was, but perhaps the earliest high-profile example was a campaign for UPS created by The Martin Agency back in 2007. The nine broadcast spots from this campaign featured a host who explained aspects of international shipping, tracking and delivery by drawing on a white board and speaking directly to the camera. The result were commercials that were refreshingly simple and entertaining but also managed to convey a surprising amount of information. White board videos had arrived, but their story was far from over.

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What a whiteboard video company should do actually depends a great deal on the client and how they want to approach a project. Every client is different, and even when working with a repeat client, there will be different agendas for each project. It’s a bit of a moving target, but, essentially, a whiteboard video company should be capable of adapting to changing needs with ease. Even when there are surprises, they shouldn’t come as a surprise to your team.

Your whiteboard video company should be your collaborator. They won’t necessarily know what you want before you express it, but they’ll be able to adapt to whatever style is going to work best. For instance, some clients will want to be involved with every step of the process, taking time to review the script and style frames carefully, review every element with their colleagues, and solicit feedback from everyone on the team to ensure that every box is ticked.

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The limits of whiteboard video software are important to discuss and important for clients to understand. While it’s always tempting to opt for a solution that—at least on the surface—seems cheaper, there are a number of different reasons why it might not be a good idea. In fact, in the long run using whiteboard video software could end up being a more expensive option, and that’s always a mistake.

If you’re old enough to remember (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) the 1990s, you’ll recall that it was the first time computers really seemed to deliver on their potential. Sure, computers were commonplace long before then, but it took until the 1990s for computers to become truly powerful. Better CPUs, bigger hard drives, and more memory had finally manifested the digital workhorses we’d always dreamt of. Developers were quick to step up and provide apps that could take advantage of these new capabilities. What followed was an explosion of DIY software, including classics like GarageBand, Windows Movie Maker, and countless others. These were the programs that democratized creativity and made it accessible to everyone. It was a brave new world.

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Why whiteboard explainer videos are popular isn’t easy to summarize.To begin with, it’s important to establish that video in general is not only hugely popular, it now happens to be the primary means that most companies use to advertise and communicate. Consider the following statistics:


  • The use of video as a marketing tool has seen a steady increase since 2017, when only 63% of companies used video, to 87% of companies in 2019.
  • More than three quarters (83%) of marketers believe that video delivers a good return on investment.
  • 90% of online shoppers cite video as a key factor in making purchasing decisions.
  • 99% of businesses plan to continue using video, and 88% say they will be spending more than they had been in the past.

Based on those numbers, video itself is the go-to strategy for businesses around the world and will only continue to grow. But, again, why are whiteboard explainer videos so popular? What’s so special about that particular type of animation?

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The best whiteboard animation services include similar elements. Yes, every studio will approach things a bit differently, but the following are some key points you should look for in order to make sure your vendor is approaching your animation as professionally and effectively as possible. If one or all of these are missing, you should absolutely look elsewhere.

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What to look for with a whiteboard video production company may seem obvious; you want a company that makes whiteboard videos, right?

Yes, certainly, but there are some other, more subtle factors that you’ll want to take into account during your search.

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Whiteboard video is successful because it does a great job balancing informational text and moving images. Throughout the video above you will notice that the movement between script and the characters are never in competition. When something is being written out, the audience is able to follow along because it is the only thing with much activity. This being said, the animation doesn’t remain completely static while text is being unraveled, they still remain lively characters that maintain their personalities. Ultimately this tactic keeps the video pertinent and entertaining.

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Colloquially the word space and place are used interchangeably, when really they should be used in association to one another. Space describes the lack of a physical molecular structure and the latter is what gives individual meaning and value to a particular location. ideaMACHINE Studio tightly harnesses its work environment, carefully determining what types of systems will ensure comfort and efficiency.

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Whiteboard animation services can be applied to practically any industry. We’re constantly experimenting and creating styles tailored towards specific enterprises. We write to inform you about which of our innovative tactics have worked and for whom.


The Healthcare Industry

A big problem that the healthcare industry faces when advertising their services is that, for the most part, the general public does not have a concrete understanding of internal bodily problems. Even if they do, people typically don’t want to discuss said problems because of the graphics that are initially presented. Whiteboard animation services have helped many confront conversations about their health by being conscious of potential human triggers. Internal organs aren’t something that humans are accustomed to seeing everyday, so viewing one in a commercial can be startling. Queue* turning off the tv or exiting out of the current tab*. Here at the studio, we avoid derailing client engagement by creating sensitive representations of pain and internal characters that appear more human like and approachable. 



The Pharmaceutical Industry

When you’re younger It’s acceptable to call medicine a magical potion and get away with it. You’re adorable and you don’t know any better. As an adult you still may not know any better.. Many pharmaceutical advertisements contain a ton of important information that is mandatory to share. Yet, translation is lost in wordy descriptions and concepts so microscopic they are hard to imagine. Bottom line, consumers don’t actually understand what is being sold to them. To tackle this problem, our studio uses the rule of three writing principle. We strive to shave down text in order to incorporate only the most important detail. Along the way we encourage the audience to actually read that text by accompanying it with appealing designed bullet points that gravitate the eye, but do not compete with content. This was heavily incorporated in a project we previously worked on with Transcelerate. How many groups of three you can spot?



When it comes to entertainment, there is not much information that needs to be deeply analyzed. An audience typically stays glued to the screen anticipating more visual satisfaction. During a media based video, Whiteboard Animation services intermittently display graphics on the screen. This technique allows viewers to constantly have something to look at. For this reason, they are less likely to navigate to another company’s content because their interest will be peaked at all times. Further, the video is likely to be re-watched by the same person. The human eye has a very narrow range of focus, yet its peripherals work wonders. If at one instance they are focused on a moving text but are aware they are missing some other alluring graphic, they may start the video over to catch a glimpse at what’s going on at the other side of the screen. Ultimately this boosts viewer activity and makes your brand more widely recognized.



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The Big Picture

Whiteboard animation videos allow you to see things on a grand scale. Walk out your door and you are likely to bump into people using the latest trending software like Uber. The app’s users are not just batched up in one location, but instead stretch for miles, found on any given corner at any given time. Their mobile users require eternal availability. So how does a company like this one truly explain a service that is seemingly everywhere at all times. That’s where animation comes in. It’s impossible to feature an actor getting an Uber from every landmark in NY. What if instead there was a three dimensional map sketch that included drawings of dozens of landmarks: The Statue of liberty, The Empire State Building, Grand Central Terminal, and so forth. All the sudden a swatch of the company colors start expanding outwards towards the lands boundaries, the entire scene is now set to explain your products or services, educate or inspire your audience.

Whiteboard Gif



Life throws many obstacles in the way, sometimes drastically changing the way in which we execute our daily responsibilities. A company making a live action commercial heavily relies on the presence of its actors who carry their own unique look (unless you’re a twin) and voice attached to themselves. Hate to be the bad news bearer, but things happen: traffic, weather, sickness, are all things that can potentially impede on your production. However, with whiteboard animation videos, it’s there for life (just remember to hit save!). Whiteboard animation videos are collaborative and anyone that can mock similar drawing styles can hop behind a screen and finish a job if necessary.



Whiteboard animation videos use graphics that obviously differ from other styles that incorporate more life-like characters. This approach however, keeps viewers engaged with the true message of the video and allows for key details to resonate with its audience. After all, most people don’t have photographic memory therefore it is way easier to connect meaning to a basic sign versus trying to revisualize what a person in a commercial looked like and what was coming out of their mouth.

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Whiteboard animation is a video style that shows the viewer static images being drawn on the screen. Typically the illustrations are accompanied by a narration that walks the audience through the story that is being told within the drawing. These animations are simple, yet undoubtedly engaging. 

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There's no denying it, some things are just hard to get a handle on. Luckily, Whiteboard Animation is here to help put those complicated subjects into video format, rather than have an expansive text block that makes you feel like you're drowning between the lines. 

Below are our Top 10 videos that tackle an enormous amount of information, and bring it to life in a much more understandable way. Starting with #10, this post works its way from confusing to downright disorienting, and illustrates our unique process of making difficult topics not only more accessible, but also more engaging. 



Ever wonder how an employee's salary is determined? It can be as challenging as you would think, but in this video we teamed up with Olympus to break down just what they look at when deciding the fair amount of pay an employee deserves.


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Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, delivers inspirational keynotes at conferences. She authored: international bestselling book "Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results" and "HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews."

Audience engagement is key for having any hope of making a sale. The difficulty most business professionals face is the need to increase audience interest and maintain client engagement.

The major problems are due to most sales professionals talking far too much and spending too little time listening. Compounding the problem, according to Pearson Prentice Hall, is that approximately 65% of the population is considered to be visual. With this knowledge in mind, a whiteboard automation should be considered. 

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¿Es usted consciente de los plazos para solicitar la cobertura de seguro del estado de Nueva York? Si se ha perdido el plazo, no se preocupe. Hay algunas excepciones que podrían ser aplicables por.

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Animating for Products

Product animations are unique but you have come to the right place! We have made many animations over the years for companies like Clinique, Blu eCigs, Trader Joe's, and Culligan Water Supplies.

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Viral videos brought us together in 2015.

Video is the primary way the Internet communicates these days. It's a fast way to share news as well as fun or interesting stories. In 2015 more of us saw them and there were dozens that went viral around the globe. The five covered in this article are just some of the best videos we saw this year.

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Sick of the game? Just watch the ads!

For millions of football fans across the country, Super Bowl Sunday is a chance to see the best two teams in the entire game duke it out to see who's number one. For the rest of the nation, the Super Bowl is all about the ads. And this year, CBS has decided to cut out the game entirely for those who don't care about the football game and just stream the ads. Yes, just the ads and only the ads, directly to the consumers who want them.

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Political advertising casts a long shadow.

It's an election year, so political advertising is already spreading out across the airwaves and will only get more intense from here. By the time we've elected a new President, $4.4 billion will be spent on TV advertising alone. And there has already been seven times as many TV ads aired as there were in 2012. But this year there's another medium that's catching on rapidly for candidates: Online video.

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Up above, you'll see a video with many, many cats terrified of the simple cucumber. And it's not the only one. There are lots of videos of cats apparently terrified of this most inoffensive of vegetables. But why? And what can you learn about it to make your explainer video go viral?

The virality of this video is obvious; it has that wonderful feel of lightning in a bottle. Explainer videos are a little less so, but if you know what you're doing, they can take off. It all starts with that one question that everybody wants the answer to. Let's use the cats and cucumbers as a starting point to explain how an explainer takes off.

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  • Topic: news

Video marketing is more powerful than you realize.

Despite the ubiquitous presence of advertising online, many still wonder just how effective online video marketing actually is. The answer, however, might surprise even the most ardent of supporters of online video; it's more powerful than almost any other tool you can use.

Online Video Marketing Works

A recent study by ReelSEO looked at business to business companies engaged in online video marketing, and it found that 96% of those surveyed use video content marketing. 94% of those surveyed were actively involved in the campaign, making decisions about the campaign and its direction. 63% of those had been actively using video for the last five years, and 32% had been using campaigns in the last two years.

But that's not the most arresting number. That's found in the ROI, where a whopping 73% of B2B companies reported positive effects on return on investment and business growth. That said, the biggest challenges were also measuring ROI and addressing a lack of in-house experience. So how do you address these challenges, and why are they worth addressing?

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Are you getting the most out of your Facebook videos?

Facebook is one of the most popular sites on the Internet; it's enrolled over a billion users around the world and has one of the most visible profiles on the planet for any website, let alone a social media platform. And yet, Facebook's video features, despite their popularity, aren't getting as much attention as they deserve, and many campaigns are missing out as a result.

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Explainer videos

Zac Johnson is a marketing expert who helps online brands and businesses get the most out of their data and marketing efforts. Read more on his blog.

Whiteboard animation explainer videos are one of the greatest ways to not only deliver your message to an audience, but also to convert those audience members into high-value leads and, hopefully, buyers.

Read on for three reasons that investing in whiteboard animation videos is a great idea for businesses and brands of all sizes.

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Ready for holiday videos?

The holidays are here, and everyone's looking to get into the spirit. However, you might find yourself wondering how to tap into the joy of the season without coming off as cheesy or fading into the tinsel-covered crowd. Here's how your video can stand out in the joyous season.

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Football, or soccer if you're an American, is inarguably the biggest sport in the entire world at the moment. An international audience of millions watches dozens of games every single week, and athletes such as Cristiano Ronaldo have the adoration of billions. And considering the world goes to YouTube, football videos have an enormous audience. So how can you tap into football fever?

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Christmas comes early... but only on the Internet.

Christmas is a major season for many retailers, but none more so than Hallmark. The greeting card and keepsake giant is so aggressive about Christmas, it owns a cable channel notorious for airing Christmas movies non-stop between the end of Thanksgiving and the end of Christmas. So when its advertising for Christmas ornaments shifts, it's attention-getting ... especially when they step away from television altogether.

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Stephan Baldwin is the Director of Business Development for Assisted Living Center, an online resource for aging care communities.

When it comes to advertising, seniors are some of the hardest clients to get on board. In an age where online advertising is king and print is steadily declining, it's now up to companies to find an adequate, unique, and attention-grabbing way to reach the senior market.

This is where online video marketing can come into play.

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Clarity and style go a long way when explaining.

Video and animation are powerful communications tools; they combine visual learning, audio learning, and demonstration into one potent package. But building a good explainer video requires much more than equipment and will; it's all about using the medium to its full effectiveness. Here are three examples of the explainer video to mull over as you're building out yours.

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Everyone loves explainer videos!

Everywhere you go online, you're seeing more and more explainer videos. But why are explainer videos so big? And why are you going to see more and more of them as internet video explodes?

Video Is Everywhere

Part of the explainer video's rise to stardom is the medium itself. Online video is enormous and growing at a rapid pace. YouTube is used by a billion people every single day. Video is far more likely to be shared than text or links. Video is far more likely to be engaged with by Internet users, watched longer than text is read, and considered more than other methods of engagement. Video is the best tool to reach an audience on the Internet, and explainer videos are uniquely suited to build on the medium's strengths.

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Susan Payton is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, a content marketing & social media firm. She's written three business books, and blogs about small business on sites including Forbes, AllBusiness, and The Marketing Eggspert Blog.


When you're putting a video for your business together, you probably put a lot of attention into your script and your content, but it's easy to overlook a few things that could put a damper on the success of your video (or webinar).

Before you start filming, run through these items to ensure that you're not making any errors that could make you look bad on camera.

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They may be having fun, but they're not paying attention.

Advertising is a part of daily life, but we rarely stop to consider which types of ads have the most impact on us. The goal of any marketing is to raise awareness of the product, but how often does that happen ... and where? Fortunately, a new study has broken out where and how video ads like whiteboard animation are the most effective, and digital advertising is far more likely to get the results you want. Why?

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Fashion is where art and commerce most closely intersect. But until the clothes are sewn and put on the runway, they largely exist inside the designer's imagination. This where the explainer video isn't just useful, but often crucial.

Until the clothes are sewn and put on the runway, they largely exist inside the designer's imagination.

Explaining Fashion

To understand the use of explainer videos and animation in the fashion industry, first consider how anything in fashion is created; it's laid out on the page as a drawing, showing off the color, cut, and style. True, the drawing of a dress is often just the "first draft;" the finished garment may look completely different.

Animation kept simple, however, allows potential clients and corporate buyers to see more of the garment even at the conceptual stage. With animation, a designer can show off how a design will hang, how it will move, and how it'll be worn. A designer can use whiteboard animation, for example, to construct the garment from first concept, slowly drafting in the idea and explaining the goals and construction as the whole garment comes together.

Paired with the first design, animation allows designers to present their concept more fully, and bridge the occasional gap between a designer's flights of fancy and more practical concerns of corporate buyers and consumers.

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This week's video is a fun, short video we made for DermaWand. Often beauty tools sounds like they're selling magic, but we partnered with DermaWand to show the science behind their product. Enjoy!

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Never limit your thinking.

Explainer videos are crucial tools for any business. They help you describe your products, explain what they can do for your potential customers, and show how to use those products. As such, they are a very popular marketing tool. But often in explainer videos, it's believed that you can't be creative and get the point across. In reality, not only should you think outside the box, creativity makes for a better explainer video.

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So you've made the video. Do you know what you got out of it?

Before you place marker to whiteboard for your whiteboard animation video, you should ask yourself what your return on investment should be. Return on investment, or ROI for short, isn't something you should consider after the fact; by determining how you want your video to perform, it'll often dictate the tone of your whiteboard animation.


It all starts with two questions: Who do you want to watch? And what do you want them to do? Be concrete in your choices; for example, if you're creating an explainer video that sells your product, you want your customer base to watch, and you want them to buy. Who's your ideal customer? What are their concerns? How does the product solve them? How can you take the "friction" out of buying? Before the first stroke of the marker, make sure they've got the ability to engage the way you're aiming for, and that the video you've written will appeal to your audience. Remember to use tools like YouTube's annotations to put your message front and center.

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"The response to the ads has been amazing. All of our clients are talking about it. They are calling us the Skeleton doctors now."
        - Medical Arts Radiology

We would like to present our newest video for Medical Arts Radiology. We've partnered with them on several videos over the years, and are happy that they keep coming back to us for more! This short video shows our studio's 3D animation skills, enjoy!

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The use of video advertising is growing at an impressive rate, and many businesses have seen positive results. Video advertising has proven to attract new prospects, generate quality leads, and improve conversion rates from visitors to customers. Explainer videos, or whiteboard videos, have been particularly successful video advertising tools because of how easy they are to implement and their return on investment.

But is now the right time for your business to create a video ad? At first the answer may be a resounding yes, but let’s first look a bit closer at some whiteboard and explainer video advertising pros and cons.

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Sometimes we get work from clients that could be thought of as "dry" or "corporate." Thankfully we specialize in making a video about any topic fun and entertaining for the audience. Read our list of tips that we follow to constantly create fun videos like this one about phishing links:

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This explainer video we made for WorldBank explains what phishing links are and how to protect your computer against them. This fun video shows that a subject maybe thought of as "dry" can be presented in a video in an entertaining way. We love to have fun with the topics our clients come to us with!

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When you are ready to take your online marketing plan to the next level, consider adding video to your website. The impact of video on marketing results has reached a new high because incorporating a quality video boosts engagement and gets attention.

Just dropping any video onto your website is not the best approach, however. A high-quality video that clearly communicates your marketing message to your target audience will be received well and should provide much better results.

When adding video to your website, consider these tips:

Who is your audience? If you have not fully developed a target marketing persona, consider doing this first. Take demographic information along with the traits of your ideal customer and create a profile. The persona can include traits such as income levels, geographic area, typical interests or hobbies, preferred social media sites and more.
How long? Videos that are around 3 minutes work quite well in most cases, but you can go shorter or longer depending on your marketing message and the video contents. Some companies opt for a short one-minute video while others provide a more in-depth production that could last 5 minutes. Consider your audience and what they would prefer along with the message you choose to convey.

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The explainer video is a great way to communicate your brand in an easily digestible format.


American Express posted an interesting guide on building your corporate brand. Businesses of all sizes and industries should be aware of their brand, what it means, and how to properly build a successful brand. One of the key points in the guide is being able to communicate your brand in an “easily digestible format”.

A great ‘easily digestible format’ is the explainer video. Just a few minutes of an explainer video can do wonders for your brand.

Some of the key attributes that describe why brands should invest in great explainer videos include:

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Your homepage is often the first impression for any potential client or partner. If someone is using a search engine to find businesses with your particular products or services, the homepage is typically the first click. What does your homepage say about your business?

If you are like most businesses, the homepage has some graphics and some text welcoming the visitor to the site and giving some high-level information about the business. Then a series of links can take the visitor to other areas such as ordering products, requesting more information, blogs and so on.

For a lot of online users, the typical corporate homepage is boring. In a world where competition is getting tougher, companies need a homepage that can stand out and grab attention. It is time to consider why your site must feature video.

Placing video on your homepage gives you a distinct advantage in the marketplace. Videos can grab attention and communicate your message clearly and succinctly in just a couple of minutes. Plus, the video helps the viewer to retain the message and encourages the viewer to take action.

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1. It's the top of the world of advertising.

All the major ad agencies are based in New York City. And friends of our studio create or work for the biggest brands. So, our competition is steep, especially when that competition is someone you eat with on a regular basis. We hear rumors about the industry all the time. This gives us insight into the best and latest marketing methods and methods of creating.

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Way back in 2008, online video advertising was a relatively small market with less than one billion dollars in spending. A lot has changed over the years as video advertising has grown to exceed $2.75 billion in 2015 according to Mashable. What’s the big deal with online video? Compared to television advertising the cost is substantially less. But online videos have proven themselves to be quite effective when used properly. And as the online viewing audience grows, the use of online video advertisements will follow.

Whiteboard videos are particularly useful as advertisements. There is literally a “blank page” to leverage virtually any form of creativity, and the use of whiteboard videos is particularly appealing to online audiences. Your marketing message can be delivered in just a few short minutes while adding a level of entertainment to the viewer.

When you combine the whiteboard concept with a professionally prepared advertisement, you can expect much better results in the number of viewers and the number of conversions for your online organization.

But many are concerned about the costs for an affordable, professional whiteboard video. There is an inherent risk for any type of advertisement, and, typically, online marketing budgets are pretty tight. Companies should understand the real benefits of professional quality whiteboard videos before turning away to cheaper and less effective options.

Consider the total cost versus benefits for an affordable, professional whiteboard video:

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Using video as part of your online marketing strategy is more prevalent now than ever before. The popularity of online video is almost commonplace, with businesses moving toward this successful medium to advertise and market their products and services. The video advertising spend rate has practically tripled since 2008, and the pace is not expected to slow.

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Marketing can seem like an endless expense where investments are made without much return and very little explanation of where the funds went. Actually there are ways to manage marketing and use some tools that will provide measurable success. One of these is video. A small investment in video equals big returns for many businesses.

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Some may scoff when they hear adding video to your homepage is easy. But incorporating high-quality video is not that difficult, and it is arguably one of the best marketing moves you can make.

A well-done video can quickly capture the attention of the web page visitor, and provoke positive action that could otherwise be ignored. The challenge is making sure the video sends the right message in the right way for your target marketing persona while also staying within your budget constraints.

Honestly, adding video to your homepage is easy, and with the right partner you can enjoy some real benefits. Here are the steps:

  1. Have your marketing plan ready – as with any marketing initiative, make sure your message is clear, consistent, and concise. Your video should align well with your marketing message, and it should incorporate your search engine optimization (SEO) information plus focus on your target market persona.

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Even marketing departments need to provide acceptable return on investment. It can be pretty tricky to provide measurable information that the accounting department deems approvable. Marketing is often considered one of the most difficult departments to show a measurable return.

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When you finally decide you want a marketing video for your website, you have several choices. You can do it yourself, outsource to a video provider, or do a mix of both. Before you decide, you should be aware that there are pros and cons of

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video-business-industryArguably, explainer videos are the most effective marketing tool online today. Numerous examples exist where businesses have launched successful explainer videos on their home pages and then leveraged them on social media, email newsletters and presentations. Videos are very effective because the emotional appeal can be communicated more clearly, and videos have a higher retention period than other forms of advertisement.

Which business types are good for explainer videos? There are plenty of examples:
  • Education and e-learning – instructional videos have been around for some time, but with the whiteboard video concept there is a broader creative opportunity to train and educate based on your particular audience.
  • Consulting – presenting the value of your firm can be communicated through video in just a few short minutes. The impact can be lasting, and clients can better remember your firm for their consulting needs.
  • Retail – the advertising video is ripe for the retail market, allowing you to present your products and services straight to your target consumers in a lively format that attracts attention.
  • Wholesale – the entire supply chain from manufacturer to distributor and wholesaler can benefit from video. A lot of information can be communicated in just a few minutes using video, and for many in the supply chain, every minute counts.
  • Healthcare – there are many complex discussions in the healthcare industry and with video you can help to simplify the complexity and help your potential patients or providers better understand the benefits of your medical services.
  • Technology – whether it’s hardware, software, mobile apps or analytics, a video can encapsulate your solution in a brief segment that presents your solution in an entertaining and thought-provoking manner.


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Your website homepage is the first introduction to your company for most visitors. The page should be welcoming and informative, but there should also be enough marketing flair to capture attention and properly communicate your marketing message.

At first this may seem like a “no brainer” when designing a homepage. But many businesses miss the boat in this area and create very bland, un-enticing pages.

To stand out online, your homepage must “pop” with content and images that attract your target audience - and keep their attention. This can get very challenging as online visitor attention spans are getting shorter while their demand for better websites increases.

Video has been used online for several years now, and the popularity of video for business marketing has increased exponentially. Using video on your homepage was once considered a novelty, but in today’s online environment you need video to survive.

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There are many reasons video marketing is important to your business, such as establishing a brand identity, driving website traffic and generating leads. Increasing revenue is also at the top of the list, as marketing is pointless unless you’re converting enough sales to make your business viable. You can use video to attract a social media following, gain the attention of your target audience and earn the trust of potential customers, but these achievements are pretty meaningless if they don’t lead to revenue.

As such, it’s critical to understand the role video plays in generating income and appreciate how it’s more effective than other content formats in terms of boosting revenue.

Video helps your prospects make buying decisions. These days, more and more people are going online to research products and determine the best option for their needs. Video educates them on what’s available and guides them in making decisions. They need to see products in action to help them make wise choices, and text doesn’t demonstrate features and benefits as well as imagery.

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There is a plethora of options at your disposal as an online marketer, and chances are you’ve tried quite a few. Your company likely has a social media profile, posts to a blog and has published a whitepaper or two. But how many of your efforts are dedicated to video content as a marketing strategy? It should be at the top of the list when it comes to branding, so here’s a look at the principles behind effective video content and how they can bring you success.

1. Video drives engagement. Your target audience is more likely to watch an entire video as compared to reading through text, which means they’ll get to your call to action.

2. Your customers are watching video. They prefer to consume content in video format, especially when using mobile devices. Every month, 45.4% of internet users watch at least one video and 100 million watch one every day.

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You’ve likely seen whiteboard videos in online marketing, and perhaps you’ve even considered creating one as part of your advertising strategy. The straightforward, no-fuss approach makes whiteboard animation quite popular for both viewers and producers, and the price tag is more reasonable than other video formats. You generate more leads, develop a broad audience base and increase sales conversions, so video is a smart addition to your marketing toolkit. However, you may not realize how effective whiteboard video can be for brand building. Check out how this kind of content can play a powerful role in your branding strategy.

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It’s not an accident that people are drawn to video as a form of communication; there’s actual science behind our attraction to moving pictures accompanied by voices or other audio. As a marketer, you can learn a lot about delivering content and brand messages through video just by understanding a few basic principles. More importantly, you can use this information to improve upon existing marketing efforts and reach more of your target audience. Take a look at the reasons for success of video communication so you can use them to leverage your material.

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Over the past six years, we have seen a lot of whiteboard animations. Below is our list of the top ten videoscribe / Whiteboard animations of all time--AND THEY ARE NOT OURS. We could pat ourselves on the back but that wouldn't be fair. So below are ten videos that we think are some of the best.  

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Video is a proven winner when it comes to online marketing as it’s more effective at generating leads and driving sales as compared to text-based content. One type of video that’s popular due to its ability to demonstrate complex topics is whiteboard animation. As the name suggests, a whiteboard animation video involves a person sketching visuals on a whiteboard with a voiceover explaining certain concepts; for this reason, they’re also known as “explainer” videos. If you’re looking into using this type of video marketing content, this primer will help get you started.

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Reposted from ideaMachine Studio the sister studio of Whiteboard Animation

A common question I am asked is “How do I get hired at an animation studio?” or “How can my son or daughter work at your studio?” 

Our studio has seen a hundred animators or more cycle in and out of our studio, most of whom move on to bigger studios like Network Television, Cartoon Network, Pixar, and Special Effects Movie houses. We’ve seen our artists grow from green students to Emmy Nominees and Animation Domination directors. So our studio is in a unique position to answer this question, because we would be a “starting studio.” That is a studio where a college student can get hired and given the skills to move on to bigger and better things. Here are our ten steps:

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Over the past decade, we have seen a lot of Whiteboard Videos. Below is our list of the top ten whiteboard videos.  

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If you’re just getting on board with incorporating video into your online marketing campaign, it’s smart to get the basics down, so you’ve got a solid foundation to build on. Just grabbing a camera and starting to film will set you up for failure. But even seasoned video marketing gurus fall victim to some of the more common video creation errors from time to time, and the result is wasted time and effort. Have a look at the top seven mistakes and make sure you avoid them at all costs.

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You’re probably familiar with the whiteboard video format: A person sketches illustrations that demonstrate a concept or product, and the visual component is complemented by a voiceover that describes the material being drawn. These videos are highly effective marketing tools for generating leads, driving revenue and establishing your brand because of their straightforward approach to presenting information. Both the imagery and the audio are essential to the whiteboard video, but let’s take a look at the important role visuals play in this content type.

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You know the importance of publishing effective brand videos, but actually doing it consistently is easier said than done. Content that’s intended to build your brand and separate your company from the competition is distinct from material meant to educate or entertain – though the best videos do serve multiple functions. The best ways to enhance your brand video creation skills is to look at who’s knocking it out of the park and consider some tips you can use right now.

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 If the idea of incorporating video content into your marketing efforts seems like a monumental, overwhelming task, you’re not alone. But the fact is that you need to do it. Put simply, video is unsurpassed in its abilities to generate leads and drives sales. Check out the top 10 laws of business video for additional motivation.

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Once you’re aware of all the benefits whiteboard video can offer as part of your marketing strategy, it’s time to go about creating your own. But the process isn’t as easy as grabbing a pen and a camera: There’s a certain amount of planning you need to take care of first, even though you’re excited to get started right away. You’ll soon find yourself on the path to success if you keep in mind the main do’s and don’ts of creating a top notch whiteboard video.

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As a content marketer, you know the primary reason your approach is more effective than traditional advertising for generating leads, branding and driving sales: Your prospects come to trust your company and see you as a leader with educational, informative information that helps them ease business pain. Even if they’re not ready to purchase what you have to offer, they will turn to your company when the time is right because you’re a respected source.

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In essence, there’s one main objective you’re trying to accomplish with your online marketing efforts: driving revenue. But many marketers forget about the goals they need to achieve along the way to make this possible, especially lead generation and branding. Fortunately, video has proven to be quite effective at achieving both, much more so than text-based content like blog posts, white papers and ebooks. Here’s why.

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All of your content marketing assets are extensions of your company, so it’s important to make sure you’re sending the right message in terms of quality. This is especially true of video advertising, where production value can either be the key to driving traffic or the nail in your marketing coffin. Here are the top reasons quality is essential in video content and why your choice of a Telly Award winning production studio is critical.

A video ad that screams low-budget won’t earn you any credibility. You’ve likely seen a poorly done used car dealer commercial or two, so you know what low quality looks like. What’s more important is the message it conveys: You’re not willing to invest to establish a more professional image. This sends your credibility out the door, but it also lets your customers know they’re not worth the cost of higher quality.

Viewers won’t tolerate anything less than HD. People get annoyed and quickly click away from video content that’s not up to snuff, and standard definition won’t even keep them around for 10 seconds. Of course, video quality matters more for long-format content as opposed to shorter ads, but even a 1-2 minute piece of low-quality footage can be painful for viewers to watch. There’s also the issue of loading time and buffering, which become more resource-demanding when you release your video on HD without appropriate compression software.

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Video_Advertising_Trends_and_How_to_Capitalize_On_ThemMuch like any other content marketing trend, video advertising has a tendency to drift in many different directions – only some of which are entirely predictable. As marketers, we have the choice of either going with the flow or taking action to capitalize on the latest shifts. Here’s what’s happening in the video marketing world now, as well as a few tips on how to make the trends work for you.

Video ads are tops in performance. This content format has an average click through rate of almost 2%, which is the highest among all online ads. When you consider the investment you make on blogs, whitepapers, podcasts and other types of content, it’s clear that video ads should be a priority despite the higher production costs.

Revenue gets a boost from video ads. According to some studies, the revenue gained through video ads is predicted to grow at a rate of 19.5% over the three-year period ending in 2016. Other than the promise showed by mobile advertising, this is a faster rate when compared to other digital ad formats like text and image content. Also, the revenue boost from video ads far exceeds that of online display ads, which are only expected to grow at an annual rate of 3%.

Native video ads are where it’s at. “Native” refers to content that’s so emulative of the style of the site where it’s posted, that many viewers don’t even know the content is an ad. An example would be a video that talks about nutrition, but which includes a native ad that promotes a health food store.

These videos are typically informative or entertaining, without being sales-y, and that’s the appeal for consumers who have grown weary of the constant stream of advertising messages.

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Many marketers are already using video to generate leads and build brand awareness, mainly because they hear it works, and everyone is doing it. But unless you really dig deep into the reasons why video is an excellent content marketing tool, you’re not going to make the big impact that drives sales and ROI. Video advertising is not just a great trend to follow: The statistics prove it works.

100 million: This number refers to how many users are watching video content each day worldwide. It’s true that many are viewing viral material or funny pets, but quite a few people are looking how-tos, product reviews or other informational videos. A great deal of them are conducting searches on topics because they’re investigating products and services, so you need your video content to be front and center.

16:49: The average internet user spends this amount of time watching online video ads each month, so you’re missing out on a huge marketing potential if you’re not distributing this type of content. Plus, there’s more behind this statistic than just the time clock: You need an appreciation of why they’re watching video ads. Every piece of content you post represents a connection with someone who’s looking for information on your company’s offerings.

121 times: Over half of the U.S. population views, on average, 121 video ads in any given month. This means the exposure of video marketing is significant, and all signs point to it growing.

10 seconds: Your target audience has a short attention span, about less than a dozen seconds to be precise. Research shows that you’ll lose 20% of viewers in this amount of time if you’re not speaking to their interests or otherwise engaging them. It goes downhill from there as well. About one-third of people click away within 30 seconds, and almost half are long gone by the one minute mark. Around two minutes, you’ll only have 40% of your viewers left. The best advice based on this statistics is to keep your video short, so aim for between 1-2 minutes.

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If you’re already utilizing the variety of video features available on Facebook, you’re ahead of many companies who are just now seeing the untapped potential on the social media platform. But if you’re not seeing results in terms of lead generation or click-throughs to your landing pages, you might need to kick things up a notch. Your production value is likely suffering if you’re not employing the services of expert video content and production providers. There are quite a few reasons to consider investing in the professionals.

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Facebook video ads are an effective channel for reaching your target audience and driving sales, especially with the new auto play feature that captures the attention of users as they scroll down the News Feed. However, as with any platform for content marketing, there are tactics you should employ and those you should steer clear of.

DO aim for high quality. Posting a quality video doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune, but it does mean paying attention to the little details. Proofread any text that appears in your video, ensure proper audio quality and make sure all imagery is high resolution. If you’re shooting the video yourself, purchase or rent the proper tools for the job. Hire professionals to take on the job if necessary, as the investment is often worth the value.

DON’T go too long. Video content must be short and sweet to capture the attention of Facebook users. Statistics show that you’ve only got 10 seconds to lure your target audience in, and almost two-thirds of them are lost by the two-minute mark. That means starting off with a bang and making sure you don’t cover too much material in one video slot. Begin the video with a compelling introduction that earns their interest, and then move on to the meat of your topic. Aim for about 90 seconds with your Facebook video ad.

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Video advertising is still on the upswing in the content marketing world, and chances are you’re either doing it now or are interested in starting. No matter which category you fall in, there are video ad companies you need to know about if you want to reach your target audience, generate leads and drive website traffic. These are a few of them.

Sharethrough: This platform is the largest in-feed ad company, partnering with such publishers as Forbes, People and Real Simple to provide top native ad content. Sharethrough boasts a reach of as many as 247 million viewers and its advanced targeting ensures video ads are presented to the right audience.

AdsNative: Another player in the native advertising game, AdsNative appreciates the value of non-intrusive, relevant video ad placement. This video ad company boasts a network of over 1,000 publishers throughout various industries, so marketers can potentially deliver quality content to thousands. AdsNative placement options include:

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You spend plenty of time on Facebook, so there’s no way you could’ve missed one of the most influential features to hit the social media platform in recent history: the video auto play. As you scroll through your News Feed, you’ll notice that videos begin to play without any interaction from you. At first considered annoying by some users, video auto play has quickly caught on as a positive feature, especially for marketers. Here’s what’s going on with this new perk.

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You have a wide array of distribution channels to choose from for your video advertising efforts, and Facebook is certainly at the top of the list for content marketers. Still, there are probably a lot more options and features available on this social media platform than you’re actually using – there’s untapped potential that you may not even know about. Check out some ways you can get more out of your marketing investment by using Facebook for video.

Native Facebook ads receive higher engagement than other video links. Video ads distributed via Facebook actually have a higher rate of engagement when compared to YouTube videos linked into the social media platform. This could be a result of the fact that the content isn’t just a post: It’s also available in the gallery where a user can view the ad at their convenience.

The new Auto Play feature has already shown great promise. Since its launch in September 2014, the Facebook Auto Play function has been very well received. In a nutshell, the feature results in a video automatically playing when it appears within the visible range as a user is scrolling through the News Feed. The movement is better at capturing attention and encouraging interaction than those posts that require a user to click the button for the video to play.

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The strategy behind the distribution of your video advertising content is just as important as the creation process itself, so it’s critical to choose wisely when looking at various channels. You have a few alternatives in terms of methodology, but there is a wide range of options within each category as well. Here are the strategies for distribution, along with a few of the biggest names.

In-Stream: These ads appear before, during and after video content that’s downloaded by viewers. They’re similar to TV commercials in that they interrupt the desired content briefly, usually about 30 seconds.
  • Hulu: This platform is one of the web’s largest and most diverse video libraries, reaching millions of users on-demand. Your video ad’s exposure is huge, as Hulu presents hundreds of millions of streams monthly. The entertainment options cross all genres, including TV and film, so you have a wide range of targeting for your audience.
  • VPN (Video Performance Network): Video and affiliate marketing is VPN’s forte, with click through rates higher than banner options. Revenue sharing encourages cooperation among participants, so all reap the video ad rewards.
  • BrightRoll: A team of advertising gurus put together BrightRoll to give agencies an easy way to execute video ad campaigns throughout leading publisher platforms. Many of the top marketing agencies go here to optimize exposure for their premier brands. BrightRoll is all about frequency, scalability and reach.

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Just when you think you’ve mastered all the ad distribution strategies available for video marketing, Facebook alters the playing field by opening new doors for marketers. But this is one of those rare times that change is a good thing in using the social media platform for advertising, as it makes way for innovative distribution channels that all marketers can use. Let’s take a look at the changes Facebook has made and best ways to take advantage of the new features.

The Facebook changes significantly impact the News Feed

Facebook execs surveyed hundreds of thousands of users to find out where they could generally improve; they found out that most wanted to see more content from favorite Pages instead of promotional content. But since Pages were pushing the ads, it was difficult to separate organic content from promotions. Facebook responded by implementing new controls over the volume and content promoted by Pages, so the News Feed now includes more relevant information with which users are more inclined to interact.

1. Understand new volume and content controls for promotional posts

A company’s Page is still an essential channel for interacting with followers and potential customers, even after Facebook implemented volume and content controls on promotions. However, the changes more closely align with the original reason companies got on Facebook: It offers a free, easily maintained platform for developing an online presence. People can still learn about your business and share blog posts, videos, photos and other content. The fact that users were becoming frustrated with the superfluous promotional material is what inspired the changes – not the desire to eliminate the value of the Facebook Page.

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There’s no doubt that YouTube is among the top sources for video advertising, as it’s the number two search engine in the world after Google. But there may be other options available that are just as effective in driving traffic that you might not have considered. In fact, other video advertising sites may be even better in terms of reaching out to your potential customers because they are more efficient at targeting a specific audience. Go beyond YouTube and try a few of these platforms on for size.

Facebook: This social media site gains hundreds of millions of visitors every month, which you probably know since you’re on it daily, too. While it’s relatively new to the video ad market, Facebook has recently become one of the top players. It allows video sharing of YouTube links, but it also enables users to upload videos directly to the site. And with the new auto play feature, you’ll capture the attention of more of your target audience as well.

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It’s no secret that video has carved out a huge chunk for itself in the content marketing world, so much that YouTube is knocking on Google’s door as the second most popular search engine. But not just any video will grab the attention of your target audience and earn their respect. The short and sweet explainer video should be your choice to encourage sharing among viewers. So when you only have three minutes to make an impact on your prospects, focus on the basics.

Develop a framework before you begin: You can’t jump in the explainer video fray without knowing who you want to reach and what you’re going to cover. Figuring out the first part isn’t tough; you simply follow social media influencers to see who is paying attention to conversations that matter to your business. Then, you monitor what your target audience is talking about online and develop your material around their interests. Your goal should be to answer their questions, respond to their concerns and demonstrate how you can help solve their problems.

Pack a punch in the first few seconds: As soon as your video starts to play, you have about eight seconds to maintain the attention of your prospect, according to studies performed on viewer behavior. After that mark, a viewer is likely to bounce if they’re not engaged or interested in watching further. Therefore, it’s essential to get to the point right away. In addition, you want to use the first segment of your explainer video to qualify leads, so you know you’re talking to the right people.

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While one of the primary objectives of content marketing is to drive sales, there’s a lot more to success than just convincing a customer to make a purchase. Brand awareness and audience building are what lead to multiple sales, repeat business and recognition of your company as an industry expert. In order to achieve these goals, you need to connect with your target audience and get them to share what you have to say. Explainer videos are among the top tools for drawing a prospect’s attention and can provide you with valuable exponential reach. Here’s why.

Explainer videos make Google happy: Your main goal as a marketer is to drive traffic to your website, and that means getting found by your target audience. The higher you rank on the search engine results page, the more likely you are to reach prospects looking for the information your content provides. Websites with video are given preferential treatment by Google as its algorithm likes this type of high-quality content.

Prospects love to share videos: It’s easy to do, and it makes them feel good. Your target audience acts according to the same motivations as other people online in that they want to feel connected to their social network and help out those in need of information. Sharing an explainer video gives them a sense of self-satisfaction and earns them the respect of their peers.

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Jason Abbruzzese of Mashable.com brings us an interesting infographic showing the dramatic growth in digital ad spending over the past few years. 

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If you’re a marketer feeling stumped about how or why to do an explainer video on a dry topic, you’re in good company. The truth is that many of us are reluctant to take on such a challenge, knowing content that’s not provocative or intriguing will be lost in cyberspace. But we need to look at boring subject matter with new eyes and realize that it can be fabulous and engaging, you just need a few tricks up your sleeve. Here are the reasons to take on content in an explainer video format that would otherwise be snooze-inspiring.

Video has unmatchable appeal under certain circumstances
  • It brings a human side to your content, no matter how mundane. Video gives your readers an inside look at the subject matter by creating a personal connection, which in turn can spark interest. Words don’t do a great job of getting people to care about public transportation, but video footage of average people getting on and off the subway does. You won’t bring your audience to tears or have them rolling in the aisles in a blog post about doing laundry, but an explainer video on how to get out certain stains will have more appeal.
  • Explainer videos bring life to even the most boring concepts. It’s tough to attract interest in certain topics unless you add a visual element, especially one that’s animated or live action. Video is all about using images to convey meaning, as opposed to words alone. One trick that will tell you whether your explainer video effectively brings your tedious topic to life is to play it without sound. If you can glean the meaning without the audio, you’re successfully delivering the right message.

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As humans, there’s a motivation for everything we do and every decision we make. The discipline of psychology studies this aspect of human nature in an attempt to understand why we behave as we do, individually, and in groups. Even when interacting on social media, there’s a trigger that compels us to share content, from blog posts to images to explainer videos. That last category is especially interesting, as there certainly is reason for sharing video content and initiating a conversation with followers. A look at the psychology behind sharing can teach us a powerful lesson in content marketing.

Sharing satisfies various self-interests: It’s fundamental human nature that we act with our own best interests in mind most of the time, but doing so takes different forms. By forwarding a video on a social network, a user might be attempting to increase status among professional peers, thereby earning the respect of those he or she holds in high esteem. Of course, financial and pseudo-financial motivation may also play a part if there’s a reward or other benefit to be gained.

It’s easy to share an explainer video: When it comes down to it, we’re pretty lazy creatures, especially online. Any action or interaction that requires too much work is likely not worth our time, but we have no problem with one-click sharing. Social media platforms all feature a share function of some sort though the terminology may differ. When it’s easy to spread the word, users will jump on board.

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Since humans first walked the planet, they’ve been using storytelling as a means of engaging others and connecting with them on an emotional level. And you know storytelling is an effective tool for content marketing when presented in explainer video format, especially when compared to banner ads that don’t exactly inspire emotion. Animated images have an impact beyond words, which is why so many marketers use them to tell the stories of their companies, their people, and their offerings. So why are explainer videos so successful at engaging prospects?

A short video conveys so much more than words

While a picture’s worth a thousand words, an explainer video packs a much stronger punch – around 1.8 million according to a marketing study conducted by Forrester Research. There’s no better way to increase a viewer’s understanding of your company’s offerings than by showing them with visual aids accompanied by audio. Maybe it’s because they retain information longer when it’s presented in video format, or maybe it’s because the emotion you communicate through animated video is contagious. Either way, the value of video is a bonus for publishers who seek to make a lasting impression with their content.

Plus, there’s a reason YouTube is the number two search engine after Google. People prefer video over text-based content in most cases, especially when the topic is a product or service.

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YouTube has long been king of the explainer video share, and there’s no question it will continue to be a force, but there’s a new player in the game that’s quickly becoming a star: Facebook. The social media giant is becoming a destination for video sharing, with more users uploading content directly to Facebook as compared to sharing from YouTube. So what’s behind this dramatic shift?

Explainer videos are auto-played on Facebook: It’s a relatively new feature on Facebook, but you’ve probably noticed it if you spend any time on the social media site. As you scroll down the News Feed, you’ll see that videos will auto-play without any interaction from the user. The result is that people are actually seeing at least the first few seconds of the video, whether they want to or not. But sometimes that’s all it takes for a viewer to decide to share the video with their social media followers. Note: videos shared via YouTube, as opposed to Facebook directly, do not feature the auto-play capability.

Facebook explainer videos are higher profile in the News Feed: The world’s most popular social media giant will always put its interests first, and this is certainly true of direct-to-Facebook videos. Explainer videos appear larger and are more eye-catching as a user scrolls down the News Feed, typically drawing more interest.

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Known for offering various services supporting recreational boat and trailer towing activities during the past 50 years, BoatUS is also protecting your rights! 

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It's an unsettling time for broadcast and cable companies as ad spend begins to flow away from traditional networks and into the digital realm on platforms like the web, social media, and Hulu. New York Times reporters Emily Steel and Sydney Ember give us insight into this growing trend.

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Every second counts when you have a limited time to present the details of your company’s offerings, and there’s even more pressure when you try to limit it to two minutes. Trying to go longer than that time is a mistake when you know that your target audience won’t stick around that long. So instead of trying to fight the trend, you might find it helpful to understand why your explainer video also needs to stay under two minutes in order to be effective.

Some how-to content is best presented in explainer video form

Seize any opportunity you can to create instructional or step-by-step explainer video, especially when it can be accomplished in just a couple of minutes. Your prospects find how-to content extremely valuable because they’re getting information they can use, from a source they respect and trust. Of course, you can also incorporate a product tie-in if it’s natural and non-intrusive.

Your prospects retain more when they visualize content

While still images improve your material by leaps and bounds, they fall behind explainer video content when it comes to your target audience remembering what they’ve seen. Videos boost interaction because they require our brain to keep up with what’s being presented, which results in higher recollection of the information. When you consider that not everyone will make a purchase immediately after consuming your content, it’s in your best interests to produce material that they’ll remember for several days.

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     We are pleased to announce the addition of Ryan Geiger to the company as Creative Director, to further advance our growing portfolio of live action productions. Ryan comes with a wealth of experience within the industry, having won multiple festival awards for his previous films, as well as making Top 200 on this season of HBO's Project Greenlight. His film, Town Red, screened at the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival and received distribution through Shorts TV and Continuum Pictures.

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If you’re on the fence about whether to invest in explainer videos as part of your marketing strategy, the data can be simultaneously useful and confusing. Crunching the numbers and attempting to make sense of them to establish ROI is a lesson in futility; still, you can’t ignore word on the street that video is outrageously popular when it comes to sharing. So instead of studying metrics and spreadsheets that support the value of explainer video, have a look at the cold hard facts.

Explainer videos go the distance: Video content marketing has an enormous impact on traffic to your website, which is just one of many measurements of success. However, video draws double and triple the number of monthly visitors to your site – and increases the amount of time they spend there. You’ll also see a huge increase in organic traffic from Google and other search engines if you include explainer videos on your website.

Video content will continue to explode: The video trend isn’t going away, as online video viewing is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2016. That’s double the figure reported in 2013. While it’s great that you have more potential customers than you know what to do with, it also creates a new challenge – competing for their time with the other countless marketing messages they receive daily. Create an excellent, relevant explainer video on topics they care about, and your target audience will follow.

Including video turns your landing page into a conversion machine: When comparing a landing page with an explainer video to one without, the former category delivers 800% more sales conversions. It’s hard to create a method with words alone that can drive the same kind of numbers, so you’re better off creating a video than spending time and money on text-based content.

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"Oh no! The boat won't start!" is not something you want to catch yourself saying this summer. The good people at http://www.boatus.com want to help you stay safe and save money this boating season. 

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Creating an explainer video around a topic that’s intriguing or groundbreaking isn’t too difficult. The subject matter itself is appealing to the right target audience, so it doesn’t take much to throw a unique spin on something they’re anxious to know more about. Boring and mundane topics are an entirely different matter, however. You can rack your brain trying to come up with an earth-shattering or extraordinary theme, but that alone won’t make your content come to life. Fortunately, there are ways to amaze and astound your prospects with explainer videos – even when the underlying concepts are a bit of a snooze-fest.

Stick to a script

Nothing takes a boring topic to simply dreadful than a presenter who veers off on tangents or provides unnecessary details during an explainer video. It’s essential that you draft a script and make use of it instead of attempting to create a personal connection by “winging it.” This content format is intended to create a sense of warmth that surpasses the fact that your subject matter isn’t altogether fascinating. You defeat that purpose when you’re not properly backed by a script.

An explainer video is a composition of many elements, including visuals, graphics, an appealing voiceover and a brand message. Only a solid, detailed script enables all these pieces of the puzzle to fall into place perfectly.

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By now, marketers know that it’s not enough to just create fantastic content and produce explainer videos that generate leads and drive traffic. They must also encourage sharing among followers on social media and inspire them to expand their content’s reach. Much like any social phenomenon, there is actual science involved with the popularity of video when it comes to sharing. Your company and marketing campaign can benefit from knowing exactly what’s behind your target audience’s motivations.

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Cower worthless mortals! For you are to be honored by the presence of former Whiteboard animator Douglas Olsen, making his directorial debut this summer on Fox Primetime with Golan the Insatiable. 

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At Whiteboard Animation we think that one of the most compelling ways to share your idea is through telling a story. Our style of animation naturaly lends itself to characters who embark on a journey, delivering your message through a start to finish process that leaves the viewer asking, "What's going to happen next?"

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In an ideal world, a marketer would always be tasked with creating content on topics that are so fascinating and mesmerizing that they immediately captivate their target audience. Unfortunately, no one is that lucky all the time. Every industry has a certain area that registers pretty low in the “spell-binding” category, but there’s a story there that still needs to be told. The good news is that it is possible to take dry, mundane subject matter and make it really sing. This is where the explainer video comes in.

Adding a visual element takes a topic from weak to wow

Even people who love to read will go glassy-eyed when the subject matter doesn’t appeal to them. However, that doesn’t mean the topic shouldn’t be shared; it may just need some special treatment to spark interest. Explainer videos can breathe life into material that’s mundane, as the combination of images and animation give our brains something more to do. When the visuals are changing as they do in video, we automatically invest more of our attention to keep up. Hence, the message is driven home, and we’re more likely to continue viewing.

Images make even boring concepts more memorable

Studies have shown that people are more likely to retain information presented in explainer video form as compared to text-based displays. That’s a pretty powerful point when you consider that making your company and its brand message memorable is one of the most important goals of content marketing. It’s the format itself that enables viewers to recall the information you’re delivering, not the material - as boring or fascinating as it may be. You may not be able to change viewers’ minds about whether a topic is dreary, but you can bring it to life through an explainer video that helps them remember it.

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There’s a certain allure behind an explainer video – the short, one- to three-minute video introducing a product or company. No matter what the topic, how much money is spent on production, or who the intended target audience may be, explainer videos are powerful and popular. It’s clear that this content format has benefits in terms of lead generation and sales conversions, but it’s not as easy to put a finger on what’s behind that power. Taking a closer look at statistics and viewer behavior can help us better understand the appeal of the explainer video.

The overwhelming majority of Web traffic is driven by video: In 2014, approximately 90% of Web traffic could be associated with video content, and that number is expected to increase in 2015. Plus, 55% of people go online daily to search for video content, and 78% hit the Internet weekly, whether it be for informational or entertainment purposes.

A two-minute explainer video is enough to convert a sale: Studies have shown that two minutes is all it takes to convince a potential customer that they should buy from your company. In addition, almost half of the people who watch locally-focused videos will visit the brick and mortar location of the business that’s publishing it.

People remember your explainer video in the days after watching it: While they may retain little of what they read and some of the graphics or images you present, a huge number of viewers remember the information contained within a short-form explainer video. When you consider that not all viewers are ready to buy, it’s smart to seize any opportunity to be in their heads a few days later.

Two-thirds of viewers will click through to your website: Viewers who watch your entire explainer video tend to click through to a website or landing page to learn more about what you have to offer. At that point, you have them on the hook to deliver more targeted material, like eBooks, whitepapers, and other content.

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Bogged down by business operations? Check out the video we made with Store Ranker, the easy to use, cloud-based technology that allows Managers to TrackCoach, & Improve operational performance of their retail, restaurant, hospitality and franchise locations. 

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Over the past few years, several companies interested in saving the environment have asked us to animate their big ideas. Just in time for Earth Day 2015, we're reviewing some of the projects that made a difference. 

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Just in time for the start of the upcoming World Series of Poker championship, www.wsop.com has revealed their secrets to success in the game, and in life.  

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Xbox Players all over the world came together to share their thoughts on playing over XBOX Live Gold, talking about staying in touch with friends, being polite, and the fees. 

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We just won the People's Telly award and we didn't even know we had entered the competition!

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TV advertising budgets are slowly moving online. Even so, online video advertising represents about 3% of TV budgets.*

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If you are reading this blog then you are probably frustrated with Pharma marketing. Below we break down some of the common issues regarding visual media and the Pharma Industry.

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In February 2014 the Rangers announced they had reached an agreement with Globe Life insurance for the naming rights to the stadium over 10 years, thus it was named Globe Life Park at Arlington.

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Our studio proudly unveils a new lyric video from Memphis rockers Skillet. The single is called "Not Gonna Die," off the band's new album, Rise, which arrives on June 25th via Atlantic/Word (pre-order here).

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General Mills believes that Cheerios should be enjoyed by everyone. With the animation rapidly hitting 700,000 views would testify that the public is interested. By simply removing stray wheat, rye and barley grains from the Cheerios’ oat supply, the Cheerios we all know and love will be gluten-free!! And Cheerios will still have the same great taste!

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Answer ALS is the single largest coordinated and collaborative effort to end ALS in the history of the disease. We’re not just another organization, but rather an initiative led by a council of ALS stakeholder representatives who serve as the voice of the ALS community.

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Ever wanted to create a promotional video project? Below are a few of our tips on how to help you get the ball rolling and get organized! 

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When it comes to Ad copy for video, most companies are left to write their own. This is a great first­ choice because no one knows a product or client’s needs better than the company.However, companies often struggle with formatting their message for video if you are this point, the best thing to do is pay a professional ad copy writer a few hundred dollars to format your language. The cost is minimal and their creative abilities are worth well beyond what they charge. 

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When it comes to whiteboard animation, should you hire an artist or just do it yourself? Let's talk about sweat equity.

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Is this your first time around? 

Below is a checklist of what a production studio will need from you in order to create a great animated video. It is not everyday that you decide to take on an animated project, so we have broken down the process for you to ensure you make a great animated video.

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Learn how performance drawing can generate conversation, amplify ideas, and get a company's creative juices flowing! 

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Most organizations don't need to hire writers for the content in their advertisements, since the bulk of the messaging lies with the company. Insiders possess intimate familiarity with their organization and clients. That said, if those personnel aren’t dedicated writers, they may struggle to package the messaging.

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 We list some of the key factors when it comes to choosing an animation studio to work with. The factors involved in hiring an animation studio are the same factors you would use when choosing to hire anyone for your company. We even include a summarized check list!

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If you are reading this post then you are probably frustrated with Pharma marketing. It's not as glamorous as fashion or as cool as tech but it when using the right tools, tone and imagery it can be just as eye catching. We breakdown some common issues regarding visual media and the Pharma Industry and ways to overcome them.

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When it comes to animation what kind of cartoon style is right for your message? We explain the spectrum of styles.

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Are you frustrated with Healthcare Marketing? We break down some of the common issues regarding visual media and the Healthcare Industry.

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When it comes to Ad copy for video, most companies are left to write their own. This is a great first-choice because no one knows a product or client’s needs better than the company. However, companies often struggle with formatting their message for video. 

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Our client Amgen Presents New Data On Talimogene Laherparepvec As Single Agent And Combination Therapy In Metastatic Melanoma At ASCO

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Bispecific T cell Engager (BiTE®) technology is designed to bind polyclonal cytotoxic T cells and targeted malignant cells1,2,8

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Yet again Rascal Flatts has been nominated for the CMA and ACM Vocal group of the year, and the band chose our studio to represent their nomination.  

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Our team experienced a pleasant surprise when DC Comics' Geoff Johns looked to us to create a stellar animation for his latest series The Trinity War.

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Watch our artists ink the debate in time-lapse video. Whiteboard Animation Studio's artist teaming up with NBC News to sketch the presidential debate, illustrating the discussion on tax breaks, Big Bird and jobs. TODAY’s Natalie Morales takes a look.

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