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Whiteboard explainer videos and selecting the right music track is a topic that we could spend hours on. If you’ve ever attended a sporting event, or seen a film, or even played a video game, you already know the importance of music. Music moves us in a way that words and even visuals cannot. There’s no simple answer as to why, but music can make us laugh, cry or experience fear almost effortlessly. Music really is magic.

Not all whiteboard explainer videos feature music, but those that do may have a slight edge in terms of keeping the audience’s attention and being memorable. The right music track will tie everything together and play a huge role in determining how the audience will feel about (and during!) your video, so it’s something you’ll want to give serious consideration to before production begins. What should you do, though, if you’re not a grammy-winning musician? What are the most effective ways for a layperson to think about music in terms of their whiteboard explainer video?

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Video whiteboard services offer you a great chance to go viral, and that’s a powerful idea. Please bear in mind, though, the key word here is “chance.” What makes a video go viral is far from an exact science; a multitude of different factors come into play, and many of them are beyond your control. For now, though, let’s consider some of the factors that actually are within your control, and take a look at why whiteboard videos are more likely to be a hit than other, more common types of video content.

Going viral is a hugely attractive proposition for companies because it means their brand becoming a genuine phenomenon; something that people enjoy and want to share. One of the best examples of the viral power of video whiteboard is The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or RSA. In 2010 the RSA began using it’s enormous library of lecture assets to create a series of video whiteboard called RSA Animates. By 2011 the RSA videos had captured 46 million views and RSA Animates had become the #1 nonprofit channel on YouTube. It’s clear that whiteboard videos have a superb chance of going viral, but what are the elements that can lead to a success story like the RSA?

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Whiteboard style animation and the art of the storyboard are inseparable. A great animation depends on many things, and a storyboard is an essential part of the process for any production, no matter how large or small.

Everyone knows who Jared Leto is because famous actors are household names. Quite a few people know who director Todd Phillips is because of the success of his films. Actors and directors are the members of a production who are most likely to have a public “face.” Meanwhile, though, every media production relies on a vast crew of individuals who tend to remain anonymous: gaffers, foley artists, caterers… all of the hundreds of names that appear in the credits at the end of a movie.

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Whiteboard videos and your production timeline don’t have to be mysterious. In fact, they synchronize in a very predictable way. The ideal timeline for a whiteboard video is exactly five weeks:

Week 1: Script review with producer
Week 2: Style frames delivered to client
Week 3: Producer delivers storyboard to client
Week 4: Animation in progress
Week 5: Final animation delivered

The above formula for our whiteboard videos has been perfected over several years; it allows just enough time to include experimentation, rendering and contingencies. It’s proven to be the perfect soup-to-nuts model for this particular industry.

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