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Sick of the game? Just watch the ads!

For millions of football fans across the country, Super Bowl Sunday is a chance to see the best two teams in the entire game duke it out to see who's number one. For the rest of the nation, the Super Bowl is all about the ads. And this year, CBS has decided to cut out the game entirely for those who don't care about the football game and just stream the ads. Yes, just the ads and only the ads, directly to the consumers who want them.

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  • Topic: news

Political advertising casts a long shadow.

It's an election year, so political advertising is already spreading out across the airwaves and will only get more intense from here. By the time we've elected a new President, $4.4 billion will be spent on TV advertising alone. And there has already been seven times as many TV ads aired as there were in 2012. But this year there's another medium that's catching on rapidly for candidates: Online video.

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  • Topic: news

Up above, you'll see a video with many, many cats terrified of the simple cucumber. And it's not the only one. There are lots of videos of cats apparently terrified of this most inoffensive of vegetables. But why? And what can you learn about it to make your explainer video go viral?

The virality of this video is obvious; it has that wonderful feel of lightning in a bottle. Explainer videos are a little less so, but if you know what you're doing, they can take off. It all starts with that one question that everybody wants the answer to. Let's use the cats and cucumbers as a starting point to explain how an explainer takes off.

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  • Topic: news

Video marketing is more powerful than you realize.

Despite the ubiquitous presence of advertising online, many still wonder just how effective online video marketing actually is. The answer, however, might surprise even the most ardent of supporters of online video; it's more powerful than almost any other tool you can use.

Online Video Marketing Works

A recent study by ReelSEO looked at business to business companies engaged in online video marketing, and it found that 96% of those surveyed use video content marketing. 94% of those surveyed were actively involved in the campaign, making decisions about the campaign and its direction. 63% of those had been actively using video for the last five years, and 32% had been using campaigns in the last two years.

But that's not the most arresting number. That's found in the ROI, where a whopping 73% of B2B companies reported positive effects on return on investment and business growth. That said, the biggest challenges were also measuring ROI and addressing a lack of in-house experience. So how do you address these challenges, and why are they worth addressing?

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  • Topic: news

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